Kaspiyka - fish restaurant with sea atmosphere
Kaspiyka is a fish restaurant with democratic prices and seaside atmosphere.

The menu includes more than 50 kinds of fish, seafood and shellfish, oysters, fish of own salting, Prosecco on tap and much more.

Gifts of the seas available to everyone. A unique restaurant with a wide variety of fish and seafood at affordable prices. Our generous catch can afford everyone.

And the cozy interior creates the perfect atmosphere for a business meeting or a romantic date, as well as for a noisy family celebration!
We are ready to make your everyday life more pleasant and delicious. Come to us and choose your favorite dishes. Enjoy refined flavors, cozy atmosphere and high level of service. Our chefs masterfully prepare dishes, turning them into a real work of culinary art!
A rich catch for every taste
Large seafood mix
Kamchatka crab
Mussels in cream and caviar sauce
Oysters combined with sparkling wine
Herring of own salting
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Shall we make a reservation?
Total immersion in the world of flavor
More than 10 species of oysters
Baked, fried, smoked fish
More than 50 kinds of seafood
Prosecco on tap
Tarlan Aliyarbekov str. 14, Baku